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Home -> Před-tréninkové produkty -> Psychotic GOLD 202g

Psychotic GOLD 202g

not available
49,68 €
1 250 Kč
Not available

We’ve set the standard once before with Psychotic™️, dominating the pre-workout scene with an impeccable product & pushing the envelope for what the industry standard should be. However, that standard isn’t enough for us, we are aiming for something better; the golden standard.


With that being said, we are proud to introduce the newest pre-workout powerhouse hailing from the depths of the asylum, Psychotic Gold™️. This is not only an evolution, it’s everything Psychotic™️ is and more. For those searching for the most elite stimulated pre-training powder, look no further. Experience limitless energy & focus as you decimate your PR’s in the gym & feel no bounds from the endurance enhancing formula. Take on your workouts with the new standard; the Psychotic Gold™️ standard.


- Elite Energy & Focus

- Limitless Endurance

- Insane Pumps

- Crash Free

Uz jednou jsme definovali standard s produktem Psychotic™, ktery dominuje vsem pred-treningovym produktum na trhu a ktery posouva hranice.

Nicmene tento standard pro nas neni dostatecny, my cilime vys - ke zlatemu standardu.

Proto jsme pysni, ze muzeme predstavit nas nejnovejsi produkt Psychotic Gold™. Toto neni jen evoluce, reprezentuje samou podstatu produktu Psychotic a daleko vice. Pro vas, kteri hledate ten nejlepsi pred-treningovy produkt, uz dal nehledejte. Zazijte neomezenou energii a soustredeni a posouvejte sve hranice diky slozeni zvysujicimu vydrz.


- Zvysena energie a soustredeni

- Neomezena vydrz

- Neuveritelne napumpovani

45,70 € / 1 150 Kč
Not available
46,90 € / 1 180 Kč
Not available
45,70 € / 1 150 Kč

47,69 € / 1 200 Kč

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Psychotic GOLD 202g

Mesomorph V4 ( new formula ) 388g


ROCKY KO round 2 300g